Meet Our Staff
Our residents love living here because our employees love working here. Get to know the team that makes Vi at Aventura a great place to live.
Amy Rosen Sales Director.
Amy Rosen Executive Sales Director
Vi at Aventura's Care Center Administrator Pamela Allison.
Pamela Allison Care Center Administrator
Looking to get in touch with our team?
Vivian Arias CRM.
Vivian Arias Community Relations Manager
Community Relations Manager Maia Mediaville.
Maia Mediavilla Lifestyle Director
Martine Francois Director of Resident Services.
Martine Francois Director of Resident Services
Ronit Oliver HR Director.
Ronit Oliver Director of Human Resources
Monika Slodownik, Director of Dining Services at Vi at Aventura.
Monika Slodownik Director of Dining Services
Executive Chef Christian Martin.
Christian Martin Executive Chef
Betty Oliveros Director of Housekeeping headshot.
Betty Oliveros Director of Housekeeping
Jermaine Hacker Director of Engineering.
Jermaine Hacker Director of Engineering