
Vi’s Heart of Vi Award Winners

And the Envelope Please…
Celebrating Vi’s Heart of Vi Award Winners
Vi’s Service Recognition Program has been engaging employees and residents in recognizing exceptional performance. The recognition pillars of customer service, quality and efficiency, teamwork and leadership exemplify Vi’s core values of respect, integrity, compassion and excellence. Over the last year, we have received hundreds of nominations from employees and residents alike.
Introducing Vi at Silverstone’s Heart of Vi winner:

David Lopez Castillo, Lead Server

David joined the Vi at Silverstone dining services team in 2014 and is truly exceptional in every way. Year in and year out, he has shown extraordinary attention to detail. David rocks his competencies as lead server with an upbeat stride and an infectious smile. He is always challenging himself and others to excel. He takes on responsibilities without being told, simply observing and recognizing opportunities and performing however he can to make the day as happy and easy as possible for his colleagues and residents. David never looks at mistakes as a defect in himself or anyone else, but rather as another opportunity to learn, overcome and be stronger. He is currently enrolled as a full-time student at Grand Canyon University, pursuing his bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and microbiology. In addition, he is a math tutor, a summer youth camp counselor, a resident scholarship recipient and a member of Silverstone’s Management Development Program.